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A balancing cream which produces an astringent effect on Oil-prone areas and deeply nourishes the driest areas. A powerful anti-ageing property in line with the holistic philosophy of slow ageing, it enhances skin's elasticity, tone and turgor.






Ingrediants: Macadamia Oil, Monoi Tahiti Oil, Tens'UP

Ami iyök iyökbalance - Balancing Face Cream 50ml 均衡抗衰老保濕面霜

HK$1,000.00 一般價格
  • 均衡抗衰老保濕面霜,日常潔膚和爽膚水後使用本產品。雙手向上或沿著與皺紋方向相反的方向用指尖輕輕按摩直至完全吸收。


    產品功效:平衡皮膚PH值,吸收多餘油脂,滋養修復肌膚,增強皮膚的彈性,重現色澤和飽滿。撫平皺紋和表情紋。澳洲堅果油和大溪地產護膚精油恢復和增強皮膚的彈性,重現色澤和飽滿。Tens'UP™作為一種植物精華和六勝肽的肉毒桿菌相結合具有強效提升作用,撫平皺紋和表情紋。保質期: 3年 (跟產品包裝指示為準)


    Apply daily on skin after cleansed and toned. Using both hands, apply in upward motions, in the opposite direction to the wrinkle. Gently massage. Balances the skin's PH level, moisturises and nourishes the skin. Macadamia Oil and Monoi Tahiti Oil restore the elasticity, tone and turgor of the skin. Thanks giving to the effectiveness of Tens'UP as a plant-derived lightener with a lifting effect, combined with Argireline with its “Light Botox” effect and low molecular weight Hyaluronic Acid that fills in wrinkles and expression lines. 

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