網絡營銷未來趨勢預測 Digital Marketing Trend
1. 移動終端優化
未來不是單靠設立響應式 (Responsive mode) 網站開發或開發移動,還應注重面向移動終端優化和社交媒體營銷。
Google Webmaster Tools 推出新功能移動可用性 (Mobile Usability),以應對數字營銷。消費模式的轉變,帶動社交媒體推送內容互動的新推廣方法。
2. 社交媒體廣告開支增
Facebook, Twitter 也有新廣告方案,企業為維持訪問流量,社交媒體帶來銷售額,付費發佈有上升趨勢。社交媒體是重要的傳播工具,能提升轉化率。
3. 內容營銷
PPC, SEO和社交媒體預算外,新一浪內容營銷讓用戶關注的內容中脫穎而出。視頻、直播、案例、數據、附加增值等是企業競爭優勢。內容要簡短,切合用家閱讀習慣。難怪軟文推廣及內容營銷被視為新型SEO,市場營銷人員需撰寫誘人、具補充性的內容方可突圍。
4. 電子郵件營銷
5. 個性化、用戶互動建立品牌是增加用戶的新手段

1. Mobile optimization
The future is not just the establishment of responsive web site or development of mobile Apps, but also focus on mobile terminal optimization and social media marketing. Google Webmaster Tools introduces new features mobile usability for digital marketing. Consumption patterns will change and content interactive new promotion method becomes more popular.
2. Social media advertising spending
Facebook, Twitter both have new advertising programs. In order to maintain the visits and views, companies are now more than willing to invest on social medias and web advertisements. Social media is an important communication tool to increase conversion rates.
3. Content marketing
PPC, SEO and content marketing are the new waves in promotional campaigns. Video, data, live broadcasting bring new experiences to enterprises. Content marketing is deemed as a new type of SEO. Marketers need to write compelling, complementary content to attract more invaluable audiences.
4. E-mail marketing
It's low cost, easy to operate and common. Offer FREE e-books for download is also an good idea, so that customers are more willing to leave you an e-mail. You can also use creative marketing methods.
5. Personalization, user interaction
Deploy new technologies, such as VR, AR, video, live chat, etc., one can achieve good results on promotions with these new social media tools.
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