Twitter 發布鏈接小秘技
善用Wordprss Yoast SEO插件
如果Tweet的鏈接做得好,表現及點撃都會更好,並獲得更高的轉發量。當您在Twitter上分享您的網站的鏈接時,可考慮Feed中的Twitter圖片,標題和說明的外觀,選取配合內文的圖片。如果你有WordPress博客,你更可使用Yoast SEO插件來管理這個發布。當然,請不要忘記縮短您的連結! 這可節省更多字數。

如果您在社交媒體營銷中製作了優質內容,請考慮在Twitter上標記(eg. @likehongkong) 該內容中提到的人或其他品牌。這是一個很好的方式,通過轉發銷、被提及者的轉發和直銷增加覆蓋面。例如,為了促進一個影響者營銷博客文章,您可考慮在Twitter上分享並標記相關的影響者,他/她或會因為認同您的概念和想法而轉發內容。
想展開社交媒體推廣? 請即聯絡我們,我們精心為您策劃!

How to get better re-tweets?
Links in tweets provide invaluable web traffic opportunities, exposure and map a journey for your Twitter followers to learn more about your business. Links with tweets also perform significantly better and get a much higher number of re-tweets, if you post the tweets tactically.
Make us of Yoast SEO plugin
When you share a link to your website on Twitter, think about how the Twitter image, title, suitable photos and description will look in the feed. If you have a WordPress blog, you can manage this using the Yoast SEO plugin to get better results. Remember to shorten the url link to save space too.
Put your link in the middle to gain more re-tweeted
Another tip is to put your link in the middle of your tweet, which makes it 26% more likely to get re-tweeted than if you put it at the beginning or end.
Tag Influencers in Content
If you’re producing premium content, consider tagging people or other brands mentioned in that content. It’s a great way to increase reach through re-tweets, quote tweets, and DMs.
For example, to promote an influencer marketing blog post, you may created a series of posts and articles to be shared on Twitter, tagging the influencers featured in it and let those influencers re-tweet the content.
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