Postdoctoral Hub and The Reindustrialisation and Technology Training Programme 科技專才培育計劃: 博士專才庫及再工業化及
Postdoctoral Hub
The Postdoctoral Hub consists of the following programmes:
1. Postdoctoral Hub for ITF projects (“PH-ITF”)
Under PH-ITF, organisations/companies undertaking research and development (“R&D”) projects funded by the Innovation and Technology Fund (“ITF”) can apply for funding to recruit postdoctoral talent to assist in the R&D projects.
Each ITF project can engage up to 2 postdoctoral talent at any one time.
The maximum engagement period for each postdoctoral talent is 36 months.
The maximum monthly allowance is HK$32,000 for each postdoctoral talent.
The concerned postdoctoral talent must possess a doctoral degree in a science, technology, engineering and mathematics (“STEM”)-related discipline from either a local university or a well-recognised non-local institution.
2. Postdoctoral Hub for Incubatees and Innovation and Technology (“I&T”) Tenants of the Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTPC) and Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited (Cyberport) (“PH-SPC”)
Under PH-SPC, incubatees/ I&T tenants of HKSTPC and Cyberport, with incubation/ tenancy duration covering the proposed engagement period, are eligible to apply for funding to recruit postdoctoral talent to assist in R&D projects in their companies.
Each eligible applicant company can engage up to 2 postdoctoral talent at any one time.
The maximum engagement period for each postdoctoral talent is 36 months.
The total postdoctoral talent engagement period for each applicant company should be no more than 72 months.
The maximum monthly allowance is HK$32,000 for each postdoctoral talent.
The concerned postdoctoral talent must possess a doctoral degree in a science, technology, engineering and mathematics (“STEM”)-related discipline from either a local university or a well-recognised non-local institution.
3. Postdoctoral Hub for Investee Companies of the Innovation and Technology Venture Fund (“PH-ITVF”)
Under PH-ITVF, start-ups selected for co-investment under the Innovation and Technology Venture Fund (“ITVF investee companies”) can apply for funding to recruit postdoctoral talent to assist in the R&D projects.
Each eligible applicant company can engage up to 2 postdoctoral talent at any one time.
The maximum engagement period for each postdoctoral talent is 36 months.
The total postdoctoral talent engagement period for each applicant company should be no more than 72 months.
The maximum monthly allowance is HK$32,000 for each postdoctoral talent.
The concerned postdoctoral talent must possess a doctoral degree in a science, technology, engineering and mathematics (“STEM”)-related discipline from either a local university or a well-recognised non-local institution.
For details of the programme, please refer to the PH-ITVF Application Guide.
一. 「創新及科技基金博士專才庫」(“PH-ITF”)
有關的博士後專才須持有由本地大學或具特別認受性的非本地院校 1頒授的科學、科技、工程和數學(「STEM」)相關學科的博士學位。
二. 「科技園公司及數碼港博士專才庫」(“PH-SPC”)
三. 為創科創投基金投資對象而設的博士專才庫 (“PH-ITVF”)