Why HK? Premier Location 香港是國際物流及航運樞紐
Why HK?
Hong Kong's Premier Location has long been one of the world’s leading sea and air cargo hubs. We serve a large portion of cargo in and out of Mainland China.
Express Rail Link and Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge The Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link ensure speedy rail travel between three cities. Guangzhou will soon only be a 50-minute rail ride away. Moreover, with the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, Hong Kong benefits from a better connection to key cities in the Pearl River Delta.
高速鐵路 港珠澳大橋 廣深港高速鐵路加緊三地之間的連繫,只需50分鐘便能直達廣州。港珠澳大橋有助香港與珠江三角洲的重要城市建立更加密的聯繫。