讓藝術色彩畫滿香港: 獨一無二的手工設計,彰顯生活的樂趣,讓香港都市時尚觸覺,傳遞出生活中的各種美好。我們透過創作把愛意傳達,透過作品把心意傳送。這裡集合了美好事物,年青的夢想,快樂的匯聚。歡迎創作人在自己的領域上繼續努力,向著了標杆直跑,讓您更多想法和優秀作品,從香港這個小小的地方出發,邁向國際!
Beautiful Hong Kong Handcraft Products, Designs, Artworks and Living
This collection contains our good and creative ideals. We wish to gather different art creations in Hong Kong and develop our local brands. We provide a FREE platform for local artists, creators and we welcome consignment or cooperation. Other beautiful stuffs are sourced from local creators with different characteristics of creativity.
Here a collection of beautiful things that full of beautiful dreams and hopes. Welcome all creators to strive for success with tailored artworks and lets join hands to spread your products, creative ideas and works to the worldwide markets. Have fun!
Learn more about Creator & Creative Market

您也有好貨色 ?
Like Hong Kong.org 為香港創作人,提供免費展示產品的平台。我們尊重知識產權,如您未取得相關品牌註冊或專利,我們可為您提供取得相關專利,版權資訊。所有原創作品,版權繼續歸原創原人持 有。
- 在香港設計或生產
- 品質好
- 原創
- 富創意
- 新穎、貼近香港市場需求
- 自創品牌
立即按「創作人登記」,成為Like Hong Kong.org 的創作人吧!又或想與我們一同合作,打造本地香港品牌,歡迎接洽。
We carefully select our creators and they represent the most qualified Hong Kong Design products. For questions about becoming an official creator, please contact us here.