Like Hong Kong PR
ARTISTS 男演藝影視紅星、藝員、名人、主持、模特兒
您想為品牌產品找代言人,經營海量的粉絲團,製作高流量的網路活動影片,拍攝宣傳片、廣告或網絡電影嗎? 或想聘用藝人一起作代言人或宣傳推廣嗎? 我們可以推薦藝人成為您的產品或服務的代言人,又或打做一個藝人品牌,我們專業與各藝人「提案」,為您效勞。如欲查詢檔期或查詢合作,歡迎與我們聯絡。
Do you want to promote your brand with famous artists , celebrities and models? Or do you want to invite more fans, make high-traffic web posts and viral videos to promote your brand? We can recommend artists and celebrities to you. We have expertise to create the "star-brand products" together. Contact us today if you are interested.
模特兒造型硬照參考 / 特輯
您想為品牌產品找代言人,經營海量的粉絲團,製作高流量的網路活動影片,拍攝宣傳片、廣告或網絡電影嗎? 或想聘用藝人一起作代言人或宣傳推廣嗎? 我們可以推薦藝人成為您的產品或服務的代言人,又或打做一個藝人品牌,我們專業與各藝人「提案」為您效勞。如欲查詢檔期或查詢合作,歡迎與我們聯絡。
Do you want to promote your brand with famous artists, celebrities and models? Or do you want to invite more fans, make high-traffic web posts and viral videos to promote your brand? We can recommend artists and celebrities to you. We have expertise to create the "star-brand products" together. Contact us today if you are interested.
BLOGGERS & KOL 名人博客、意見領袖
BLOGGERS & KOL 名人博客、意見領袖、微博大V、大號、微信粉絲宣傳
We are specialized in engaging and motivating your customers, through spreading and promotion by bloggers, KOL & fans!
Micro-blogging is a Media Revolution
Micro-blogging is a new form of internet communication, combining blogging and instant messaging. With using no more than 140 characters, people can broadcast a short message to other subscribers.
We have strong base of KOL, artists and influencers in micro-blogging. People feel connected to celebrities. Celebrities emotionally connected to your brand make people feel emotionally connected to your brand. Through the KOLs who have over millions of fans, your company's products can reach them effectively and receive quick responses from the public. We use the WOM (Word of Mouth) strategy to target loyal customers and potential clients! Verified "Big V" in the Mainland social media platforms can take initiative to push information to the relevant segments. You can reach your right customer base and get the best marketing performance.
We have huge listing of our resources and the number of KOL/ influencers are keep growing!
您想為品牌產品找代言人,經營海量的粉絲團,製作高流量的網路活動影片,拍攝宣傳片、廣告或網絡電影嗎? 或想聘用藝人或意見領袖一起作代言人或宣傳推廣嗎? 我們可以推薦藝人或意見領袖成為您的產品或服務的代言人,又或想打做一個藝人品牌,我們專業與各藝人「提案」,為您效勞。如欲查詢檔期或查詢合作,歡迎與我們聯絡。
Do you want to promote your brand with famous artists , celebrities and models? Or do you want to invite more fans, make high-traffic web posts and viral videos to promote your brand? We can recommend artists, KOL and celebrities to you. We have expertise to create the "star-brand products" together. Contact us today if you are interested.
We are dedicated and determined to help our clients reach their potential customers. We provide fans management services on various platforms.
PR Consultation Service, Media Placement & Professional Writing Service
Artists Management 演員、藝員、模特兒特約
Copywriting 廣告撰稿
Multi Media Design 多媒體製作設計
MC, Anchor, Celebrity 主持、司儀、名人代言
MC Script 司儀稿作
Media Advertisement and Planning 媒體廣告策劃
Media Buying 媒體採購
Micro Movie Product 微電影劇本、拍攝、剪接
Online Shop Brand Management 網店品牌管理
PR Retainer Service 公關
Post Production & Editing 後期剪輯
Rundown Planning 節目表策劃
Script 對話稿
Speech 演辭
Storyboard 拍攝分鏡,劇本
Translation 翻譯
TVCs 影視廣告
Video Effects 影視特效
VO 錄音配音


Fredrik, CEO
LikeHongKong generates leads boosted sales – now we reach customers at just the right moment.”

Mable, CMO
Everything is extremely flexible and easy. We are now able to provide useful, automated content marketing and interactive activities.

Yankale, Director
We need a solution to offer targeted messaging to Mainland China & Singapore. Now, we got it.

Alice, Manager
With improving SEO and SEM, now more new customers found us and we generated good business.

Andrew Man, Director
They have very good experience in event planning and press monitoring. We highly recommend their services.