What Exactly is Search engine optimization (SEO)?
Search engine optimization (SEO) is strategies and tactics used to ensure that a site is accessible to a search engine and improves the chances that the site will be found by the search engine. It also enhance brand exposure in various markets.
SEM是比SEO更廣義的術語。 SEM通常用於描述與在搜索引擎中研究,提交和定位網站相關的行為。它包括付費列表和其他搜索引擎相關服務和功能,將增加您的網站的曝光率和流量。SEM為您提供根據點擊次數付款的機會。成功的SEM廣告系列中的廣告,將向那些專門查找您的產品或服務的消費者展示,從而提高轉化率。
SEM is a broader term than SEO. SEM is often used to describe acts associated with researching, submitting and positioning a website within search engines. It includes paid listings and other search-engine related services and functions that will increase exposure and traffic to your Web site. SEM offers you the opportunity to pay based on clicks. Ads in a successful SEM campaign will be shown to those consumers specifically looking for your products or services, resulting in a higher conversion rate.
The Difference Between SEM and SEO
SEM是比SEO更廣義的術語。SEO旨在提供更好的自然搜索結果,而SEM使用搜索引擎來為您的網站做廣告並發送更有針對性的流量。例如,當人們使用搜索引擎查詢“在線廣告代理”時,有機搜索引擎結果是SEO技術可以幫助您的網站更加明顯的地方。付費廣告或贊助商鏈接是在有機搜索結果的上方或旁邊顯著地顯示的是SEM的產品。SEO和SEM不是競爭服務, SEO被認為是SEM服務的分支。如果你想在互聯網上進行業務,在有機和廣告鏈接中可見,你便同時需要SEO和SEM。
SEM is a broader term than SEO. Where SEO aims to provide better organic search results, SEM uses the search engines to advertise and send a more targeted traffic to your Web site. For example, when people use a search engine to query "online advertising agency", the organic search engine results is where SEO technologies can assist your Web site in being more visible. The paid advertising, or sponsored links are the ones prominently displayed above or beside the organic search results is a product of SEM. SEO and SEM are not competing services. SEO is considered a subset of SEM services. If you want to conduct business on the Internet to be visible in both organic and advertised links, you need both SEO and SEM.
1) 由我們專業人員,免費分析及提供建議關鍵字。也可由客戶提供關鍵字,全面配合品牌策略。
2) 選擇搜索引擎 (如YAHOO HK,GOOGLE HK,BING) 和地區性 (如香港或大陸Baidu、搜狗,歐美等地、俄羅斯共和國Yandex、韓國Naver等) 配合目標市場。
3) 每組關鍵字低至每月800元起。
4) 提供每月排名報告、數據分析,及協助客戶設定Google Analytics,百度指數等工具。或購買軟件作更精準的效果監察。
5) 符合環保、低成本、高效益,作出有效和實際推廣。
6) 一旦創建後,於網絡世界上可無限點擊,不會因為點擊成本而消失於搜尋器上。
7) 可持續性及累積品牌價值。
Our Strength
1) free analysis and keywords suggestion & recommendation. Customer can also submit your keywords.
2) Select the right search engines for the right markets (Eg. Yahoo HK, Google HK, BING) and regional engines (like Baidu, Sogou for China, Europe and the United States, Yandex for Russia, Naver for Korea etc.)
3) Each group of keywords starts only from $800 per month.
4) Monthly ranking report will be submitted and we shall assist client to set up GA & Baidu Index for in-depth monitoring in the long run.
5) Environmentally friendly, low cost and high efficiency.
6) Clicks and links are long lasting and never miss.
7) Sustainable and continuous building brand value.
Strategic Partners
We are specialized in engaging and motivating your customers, using various online vehicles.
良好的行銷方案不只是單發電郵便能取得成功。現今目標客戶群高流動性和碎片化,市場環境遜間萬變,一套多元化、靈活具彈性的優化行銷方案何其重要!我們的服務覆蓋電郵、WhatsApp、WeChat/微信、手機程式、短訊、互動語音、Google、Yahoo、Bing、百度、 Yandex、Naver、Facebook、Twitter、YouTube、MicroBlog、SEO、SEM、PPC以至動態網頁、傳統印刷媒體及其他社交網絡等,服務可以獨立作業或以專案形式整合管理,為您度身訂造,獨一無二!我們與世界主要搜尋引擎建立了合作關係, 為您鎖定全世界的網路使用者。應用當今最先進流行的IT技術,考量各個搜尋引擎的技術特性,通過付費搜尋引擎廣告吸引更高質的訪客量,讓您業務更上一層樓!
A good marketing plan is not only a single e-DM plan or advertising. Nowadays the market place is getting more complicated and fragmented. A diversified and flexible marketing solution to optimize your marketing budget is essential! Our services cover Email, WhatsApp, We Chat, Apps, SMS text message, Voice message, Google, Yahoo, Baidu, Yandex, Naver, Bing, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, MicroBlog, Search Engine-SEO, SEM, Pay Per Click, responsive pages, traditional printing and other social networking media can surely add synergy effects to your existing marketing plan. We collaborate with the world's leading search engines to help you reach out to the world's web users. Considering the technical characteristics of each tool, we use the latest technology together with various paid search engine ads to attract higher quality visitors and grow your business!
Our partners include but not limited to the following: