Facebook 及 Instagram KOL / Celebrity
您想為品牌產品找代言人,經營海量的粉絲團,製作高流量的網路活動影片,拍攝宣傳片、廣告或網絡電影嗎? 或想聘用藝人或意見領袖一起作代言人或宣傳推廣嗎? 我們可以推薦藝人或意見領袖成為您的產品或服務的代言人,又或想打做一個藝人品牌,我們可為您效勞。如欲查詢檔期或合作,歡迎與我們聯絡。
Do you want to promote your brand with famous artists , celebrities and models? Or do you want to invite more fans, make high-traffic web posts and viral videos to promote your brand? We can recommend artists, KOL and celebrities to you. We have expertise to create the "star-brand products" together. Contact us today if you are interested.
A mix of ladies & gentlemen from different expertise, who have a number of followers in Instagram and Facebook are listed below. Cooperation is subject to further discussion and their availability.
以下為部份具公信力和影響力的意見領袖,他們在Facebook及Instagram均具人氣! 我們會為客戶洽談合適的KOL,合作有待確認及磋商,視乎藝人及KOL檔期及現時合約條款而定。(相片只供參考)