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Market Research Solution 市場調查方案

We are pleased to share with you some of the most popular market research solutions for direct markets:


eMarketer is the industry's leading research firm, providing data, insights and perspectives for marketing in a digital world.

Statista - One of the world’s largest statistics portals

The world’s first and only companies to bring together data from over 18,000 sources. The research analysts source the most up-to-date statistical data from around the globe. The analytical approach and efficient research processes provide clients with the data that is relevant to them.

iResearch China

As the authority of the third-party Internet research advisory body, the report of the data are more than 70% of the quoted companies at home and abroad. At the same time, data monitoring products and customized consulting services to customers by the majority of the recognition.

Many others!

We shall assist you to select the right tools with the best results. For further information, please feel free to contact us.




Statista - 世界上最大的統計門戶網站之一


iResearch China




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