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Overarching Action Items for PINTEREST Social Networks 社交網絡的行動項目


• 品牌知名度和參與度

• 銷售線索生成或客戶獲取

• 分享相關圖像 - 與品牌相關內文和趣味性話題


√ 創建公司文化和內容的版面

√ 跟隨其他企業、思想領袖、客戶和合作夥伴


• 發帖子

• 轉發貼文數量

• 追隨者

• 從pin內購買

• 引流量



PINTEREST Objectives

• Brand awareness and engagement

• Lead generation or customer acquisition

• Share a mix of relevant imagery—both brand-related and fun

Action Items

√ Create boards leveraging both content and company culture

√ Follow other businesses, thought leaders, customers, and partners

Key Metrics

• Pins

• Repins

• Followers

• Purchases from pin

• Referring traffic

X hours daily/weekly/monthly ONLINE VIDEO

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