一文重温Facebook Post圖片dimension懒人包
Image guidelines:
A. Single image 單一圖

Recommended dimensions: 1,200 × 630 pixels
Maximum image height: 2048 pixels
Maximum image width: 2048 pixels
Images will appear in the feed at a maximum width of 470 pixels
Images will appear on the page at a maximum width of 504 pixels
Facebook will resize it to 500 pixels wide and scale the height
B. Multiple images 多圖方型 (一至六張圖):

Images will be displayed differently based on how many you upload.
One square: 492×492 pixels
Two squares: 245×246 pixels
Three squares: 492×245 pixels (top), 245×245 pixels (bottom two)
Four squares: 245×245 pixels (all)
Five squares: 245×245 pixels (top two), 163×163 pixels (bottom left and right), 162×163 pixels (bottom middle)
Six squares: same as for five square, but the bottom right photo has an overlay displaying the number of photos not shown
For everything over six images, the layout is exactly the same as for six.
C. Multiple portrait images 多圖直圖 (一至六張圖):

The images will be displayed differently based on how many you upload.
One portrait: 492×738 pixels
Two portrait: 245×492 pixels
Three portrait: 327×492 pixels (left), 163×245 pixels (right top and bottom)
Four portrait: 327×492 pixels (left), 163×163 pixels (right top and bottom), 163×162 pixels (right middle)
Five portrait: 245×245 pixels (top two), 163×163 pixels (bottom left and right), 162×163 pixels (bottom middle)
Six portrait: same as five, but the bottom right photo has an overlay displaying the number of photos not shown
For everything over six images, the layout is exactly the same as for six.
D: Multiple landscape images 多圖橫圖 (一至六張圖)

The images will be displayed differently based on how many you upload.
One landscape: 492×276 pixels
Two landscape: 492×245 pixels
Three landscape: 492×327 pixels (top), 245×163 pixels (bottom left and right)
Four landscape: 492×327 pixels (top), 163×163 pixels (bottom left and right), 162×163 pixels (bottom middle)
Five landscape: 245×245 pixels (top left and bottom left), 245×163 pixels (top right and bottom right), 145×162 pixels (middle right)
Six landscape: same as five, but the bottom right photo has an overlay displaying the number of photos not shown
For everything over six images, the layout is exactly the same as for six.
E. Images with multiple orientations 多圖橫直圖混合 (一至六張圖)
The images will be displayed differently based on how many you upload.
If you’re uploading images that all have different sizes and orientations, the layout will be based on the first image.
F. Video 媒體
You can upload regular videos as well as 360-degree videos.

Video guidelines 一般片格式如下:
Recommended video dimensions: 1280×720 pixels
Minimum width: 600 pixels (length will depend on the aspect ratio)
Landscape aspect ratio: 16:9
Portrait aspect ratio: 9:16
All videos will be rendered on mobile in the 2:3 aspect ratio.
Maximum file size: 4GB
Recommended video formats: .MP4 and .MOV
Maximum video length: 120 minutes
Maximum frame rate: 30fps
360-degree video guidelines 360片格式如下:
Maximum video dimensions: 4096×2048 pixels
Minimum width: 600 pixels (length will depend on the aspect ratio)
360-degree aspect ratio: 2:1
Maximum file size: 1.75GB
Recommended video format: .MP4
Maximum video length: 40 minutes
Maximum frame rate: 60fps
Happy posting and sharing! Contact us for social media management service today!
