Hong Kong- Safe City 安全城市
Safe City 安全城市 Hong Kong is listed as one of the safest countries in the world by different publications and organisations. The city is a...

Living in Hong Kong: Amenities Payment Methods 在港生活:支付方式
When making monthly payments for basic amenities such as gas, electricity and water, the following are the most common methods available....

Living in Hong Kong: Amenities- Gas 在港生活:煤氣
Hong Kong and China Gas Company Ltd. 2880-6988 (Customer Service Hotline) 2880-6999 (Emergency Hotline) 2880-5522 (Meter Reading Hotline)...

Living in Hong Kong: Amenities- Electricity 在港生活:電力
Hong Kong Island 香港島 HK Electric 港燈 2887-3411(Customer Service Hotline 客戶服務熱線) 2555-4000 (Emergency Hotline 緊急熱線)...

Living in Hong Kong: Telephone/ Internet/ Cable TV 在港生活:電話/ 互聯網/ 有線電視
Telephone Service: PCCW-HKT Ltd. 1000 (Customer Service Hotline 客戶服務熱線) 2888-0008 (Sales Hotline 銷售熱線) http://www.pccw.com/eng/...

Living in Hong Kong: Electricity/Gas 在港生活:電力/ 煤氣
Electricity 電力: The voltage in Hong Kong is 220V, therefore appliances from the US., Japan and other countries that use 110V will not...

Living in Hong Kong: Pets 在港生活:飼養寵物
Q: I would like to buy a pet. 我想養寵物。 A: Majority of flats prohibit ownership of pets. There is a declaration in the ‘Deed of Mutual...

Living in Hong Kong: Typhoon and Storms 在港生活:颱風和風暴
In Hong Kong, the rainy season runs between Feb and March where the humidity can reach approximately 90% and typhoons usually hit during...

Living in Hong Kong: Handling Trash 在港生活:處理垃圾
Q: Where do you leave the trash? 你在哪裡倒垃圾? A: In almost all apartment buildings, trash can be left out any time during the day. The...

Why HK? Abundance of opportunities 香港發展機遇
With a population of 7.3 million and 56 million annual visitors, Hong Kong’s food services and trading companies have a large customer...